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Winning with Patients


Mixed Methods Research: A Better Path For Marketing Insights

An insights-first approach to healthcare marketing will set marketers up for success in developing strategies, content, and campaigns that are relevant and…
15 minute read

White Paper

Using Real-World Qualitative Evidence to Illuminate the Patient Voice

In this informative white paper, learn how we use ethnography and the protocols of design thinking to document the unique perspectives of patients, caregivers, and clinicians, and to help our partners gain a deeper understanding of important patient-focused realities.
1 minute read

White Paper

Become a Better Marketer with Qualitative Healthcare Market Research

Learn more about how to use quantitative and qualitative data to inform your healthcare marketing strategy in this timely and relevant white paper.
1 minute read


The Roles of Empathy and Patient-Centricity in Healthcare Marketing Today

Empathy and patient-centricity are more than buzz words. We can help you incorporate them into healthcare marketing in a more meaningful way.
3 minute read


Patient-Centricity & Retention: Qualitative Healthcare Insights Can Impact Both

Qualitative insights are uniquely positioned to capture the opinions and voices of your customers, the patients. Ultimately, real success lies in using and layering both quantitative and qualitative research—together.
5 minute read


“Quant” vs. “Qual”: How to Achieve Balanced Healthcare Marketing Insights

Understanding the differences between quantitative and qualitative research and data allows for a marriage of insights that optimizes healthcare marketing strategies and investments and is most beneficial to stakeholders involved: marketers, providers, and patients.
5 minute read